Editor’s Note
The Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Chittagong has been bringing out the ‘The Chittagong University Journal of Social Sciences’ for quite a long time now. The present issue of the journal contains a good number of well-researched papers contributed by leaned faculty members and other researchers. Multidimensional aspects of social sciences have been probed by the authors in their works. This volume subsumes eighteen articles on various fields of social sciences making it a valuable one.
These articles are expected to draw attention from array of scholars interested in broad spectrum of socio-politico, economic, administrative and legal issues. For better dissemination of the papers, alongside the printing version, we are planning to go online shortly. It will definitely augment the number of readership and the interested researchers will be benefited from the literature, research works and results available in the journal. Hopefully, the culture of in-depth research will get new impetus as a result.
It is my pleasure to express my special thanks and gratitude to the honorable members of the editorial board and the reviewers of the Journal for their precious time and evaluation. The authors, too, deserve special thanks for their efforts. I also offer my special thanks to all concerned involved in publishing the journal. Concerted efforts were made to make it infallible. If, however, any inconsistencies remain, the readers are welcome to convey their opinions.